Investment Fund Risk Review Questionnaire

    *We will use this email address to send our report to you and we therefore recommend you provide us with a personal email rather than your work email address. We will not be held liable for this information being accessed by anyone other than yourself as the intended recipient


    This questionnaire is only for completion by pension scheme members who have not yet taken any benefits from their employer pension scheme.

    An essential part of our advice process in relation to your company pension is an assessment of your attitude to investment and other risks. This enables us to recommend a suitable investment strategy or consider the suitability of any existing investment fund selection.

    There are 13 questions which are designed to assess your thoughts when making financial investment decisions. There are no right or wrong answers and please answer every question, even if you feel it doesn’t really apply to you.

    Important Notes

    We would refer you to our privacy statement ( which explains how we use any personal information we collect about you.

    The information you provide on this questionnaire will be exported by us through a Google account for processing and storing on our secure internal systems. Once the data has been exported, it will be deleted permanently from the Google Services used for the questionnaire.

    You voluntarily choose to provide personal details to us via this website. Personal information will be treated as confidential by us and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You agree that such personal information may be used to provide you with details of services and products in writing, by email or by telephone.

    Quick Tip: Losing money here refers to the value of your investment portfolio falling below the amount you originally invested because of a drop in the market. For example, if you gave your adviser £50,000 to invest and later the value of your investments fell to £47,500.

    Quick Tip: Losing money here refers to the value of your investment portfolio falling below the amount you originally invested because of a drop in the market. For example, if you gave your adviser £50,000 to invest and later the value of your investments fell to £47,500.

    Quick Tip: Do you want to spend all the pension fund at once, for example to buy a property, or do you plan to make the money last over a longer period, for example by using the fund to provide yourself with a yearly income once you retire?

    Quick Tip: If your pension fund is £100,000 and you want to withdraw a yearly income of 4%, you will need to take out £4,000 each year.

    Quick Tip: Investing involves a trade-off between risk and returns. In the past, investments with higher returns have been associated with greater risk and chance of loss. Whereas cautious investments that have had a lower chance of loss also have achieved lower returns.